

時間:2022-08-20 16:10:39 初中作文 我要投稿

初中英語作文 2篇

  在日常的學習、工作、生活中,大家都寫過作文吧,作文可分為小學作文、中學作文、大學作文(論文)。寫起作文來就毫無頭緒?以下是小編幫大家整理的初中英語作文 ,希望對大家有所幫助。

初中英語作文 2篇

初中英語作文 1

  摘 要:在英語教學中,講究聽、說、讀領先,但在實際應用和考試中卻以寫為重,特別是寫作,既重要又困難。解決這個問題,應在教學中注重對學生進行如何寫作的教學,以達到聽、說、讀、寫全面掌握。

  關鍵詞:初中英語 作文教學 興趣激發(fā) 有效評價





  只寫不評、不改,學生就會容易失去寫作興趣。但由于學生在書面表達中的錯誤不盡相同,因而批改時工作量非常大,一次作業(yè)的批改常常需要很多時間才能改好。這樣就會出現(xiàn)拖延講評的現(xiàn)象,使訓練的效果降低。為了更好地調(diào)動和發(fā)揮學生的內(nèi)在潛能,提高發(fā)現(xiàn)問題和解決問題的能力,教師可以讓學生互批互改。通過互批互改,同學之間可以互相學習,取長補短,遇到自己弄不清、拿不準的問題可以在小組之間商量、討論,或請教教師,直到得到滿意的答復。教師將學生所犯典型錯句整理并寫在黑板上,讓學生找錯。這樣做,學生參與的積極性大增,對典型錯誤印象較深。并逐漸掌握一些基本寫作技巧:不可逐字翻譯,不可用中文思維串聯(lián)英語詞匯,有時還要利用分解、簡化、意譯等手段來表達。如:當我還是個孩子時,我父母非常喜歡我。“When I was a child,my parents very love me!(正確表達:When I was a child,my parents loved me very much)廢寢忘食He wastes sleep and forgets meals when he studies(正確表達:He forgets to eat and sleep when he studies)。進行范文與較差文章的對比講評,通過討論文章結構、句式表達及行文的流暢性等,讓學生掌握英語文章的布局謀篇:開始部分說出文章的要點;正文部分圍繞主題開展敘述、討論;結尾部分對全文的總結和概括。避免使用單一句型,注意句式表達的多樣性以及正確使用銜接詞,使行文流暢通順。













  [4]商報記者 文冀;英語作文書“溫”中求“火”[N];中國圖書商報;20xx年


  [6]九江縣一中 陳曉云;高中英語作文教學初探[N];九江日報;20xx年

  [7]四川中江御河中學 李莎;英語作文“以說促寫”教學初探[N];學知報;20xx年

初中英語作文 2

  ladies and gentleman,nowdays,worshiping is popular among teenagers,especially many middle students,thousands of them are on fire for the handsome appearances,beautiful songs and perfect scting skiils of their idols,and they imitate whatever stars do,including their cloths hair styleand hobbies,as a result,some of them forget what they should do and even spoil their studyin my opinnion,having idols id not bad thing however,we should make it clear that who are the real heroes,as far as i am concerned,the real heroes are those who are making the most contridictions to our osciety,usuch as teachers and scientists,as young students we should lrarn from them,only ib this waycan we become useful men and be real popular stars in the future,that'''s all I 'm gratly honored to speak here on behalf of our school,the high education of my cityfrom chart 1,you can see high school students are from different classes from different backgrounds,besideslocal students,who make up 91%,the chies are presented a wider variety intend to go to university enter vocational the rest percent to go abroad for future studies

  we have more freedom to choose going to college is no longer the only chice for mos tof us as it was years agoour city governments have made more effotrts to help the non local workers,can enjoy the local equal right of a good education with the city students the economic develpment ,more foreigners are attracted to learn more abou t chinese culture the future is promising ,views vary from person to person the majority consider necessary widen improve qualities only in this way better jobs tuition is too high it's rather hard to seek satisfactory works however all roads lead to rome make any difference whether they go to college or not receive a better education so tha twe can serve motherland gather at gate collect the rubbish clean the old posters off from the walls sweep the floor mak eour city more beautiful with our own hands to the public works keep o n telling people not to destroy the place the beauty of nature can have a cleaner world have npo aware of th e importance iof protaecting th eh environment at present mka eour surrding s ugly necessary and instructive fall over knock her dien fallen oil bottle lie on the ground pit it in place strightened the bottle u p disagree with that the mother did in society only care for their health but their minds it's plleasure to in trouble own job base on good health be ebgaged in stud y most the whole day take part in few outdoor go contrary to my widhes gain neither good marks nor good health serve a lesson come to realize good health is the foundation spare more time to physical exercise as a resultgreater succes in both study and health be sound in both body and min d the eldery man hold umbrella to protect beloved dog he himself is this kin dof livein lonliness the only family full attention attempt convey the message as a member of society care more about the elderly make a difference in their lives for instance by shoeing more respect and concern mental and spiritual well being with the development there came a kind of language mixed with be worth thinkin gabout it a kind of ridiculouse it make no sense ruinthe youngesters are fond of this waay it of special help on expressing make the language versatile not a good practice fashionable as some think get your idea confusing leaving hte other person at a loss to your meaning may be expressive。

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