
  • 奧運項目介紹:曲棍球2024-08-06

    曲棍球起源于公元前2000年,現(xiàn)代曲棍球起源于19世紀的英國。你對曲棍球了解多少?下面是小編整理的曲棍球相關(guān)內(nèi)容,希望對您有幫助! ∏髑蚴鞘褂脦в袕濐^的木棍控制球的一種球類運動,是同類運動中歷史最悠久的...

  • Parade:2024巴黎奧運會主題歌2024-08-06

    主題歌是指表述影片主題思想或概括影片基本內(nèi)容、人物性格、戲劇矛盾沖突的歌曲。常在影片中反復(fù)出現(xiàn)。下面是小編分享的Parade:2024巴黎奧運會主題歌! 2024年巴黎奧運會主題曲  《巡游盛典》(英文名:Parade...

  • 奧運知識:奧運五環(huán)的誕生、來歷故事2023-11-02


  • 奧運英語口語問路 指路2023-04-30

                   A Wheres the fa...

  • 國家體育場-鳥巢2023-04-30


  • The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games2023-04-30

    Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, the Five Friendlies wi...

  • Slogan for Beijing Olympics2023-04-30

    "One World One Dream" fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- U...

  • 中國菜名稱英文詞匯2023-04-30

    冬 菇 豆 腐 Bean Curd with Black Mushrooms 麻 婆 豆 腐 Szechwan Bean Curd 紅 燒 豆 腐 Bean Curd with Brown ...

  • 奧運三大理念:綠色奧運、科技奧運、人文奧運2023-04-30

    Environment-friendly Olympics, Culture-enriched Olympics and Technology-empowered Olympics 將“人文奧運”準...

  • 這些奧運單詞你知道嗎?2023-04-30

    applicant city  申辦城市 Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC)  國家奧林匹克委員會總會 cand...

  • Sailing (Olympic sport since 19002023-04-30

    Sailing (Olympic sport since 1900 Sailing first became an Olympic sport in Paris in 1900, where tim...

  • Weightlifting-Olympic sport since 18962023-04-30

    舉重-1896年成為奧運會比賽項目 An ancient sport as old as mankind, embodying the most direct manifestation of hu...

  • Wrestling-Olympic sport since 18962023-04-30

    摔跤-1896年成為奧運會項目 If the Olympic Games are a history of mankind, wrestling is the prologue. When the ...

  • Shooting-Olympic sport since 18962023-04-30

    射擊-1896年成為奧運會項目 Olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversity to ...

  • Football -Olympic sport since 19002023-04-30

    足球-1900年成為奧運會項目 While the modern game of football started with the foundation of the Football Assoc...

  • Taekwondo -Olympic sport since 20002023-04-30

    跆拳道-2000年成為奧運會項目 Various Korean forms of martial arts have existed but in the early 20th century, t...

  • Triathlon -Olympic sport since 20002023-04-30

    鐵人三項-2000年成為奧運會比賽項目 While taekwondo and triathlon both debuted as the newest Olympic sports at the ...

  • Softball-Olympic sport since 19962023-04-30

    壘球-1996年成為奧運會比賽項目 There is little soft about Olympic softball. One pitch at Atlanta was clocked at ...

  • 第七課:同意和反對 Agreement and Disagreement2023-04-30

    01. A: Do you agree with me? 你同意我的意見嗎? B: Absolutely, I agree with you. 當然,我同意你。 02. A: China is...

  • 第八課:談?wù)撌澄?Talking about Food2023-04-30

    01. A: Id like to invite you to dinner. 我想邀您一起共進晚餐。 B: Thank you, Id love to come. 謝謝,我很樂意。 02. ...

  • 第六課:提供和請求幫助 Offering/Asking for Help2023-04-30

    01. A: Do you need any help? 需要幫助嗎? B: No, thank you. Im fine. 不,謝謝了。我還行。 02. A: Here, let me he...

  • 第四課:談?wù)摴ぷ?Talking about Work2023-04-30

    01. A: What do you do for a living?       你是干哪一行的? B: Im a teacher. &nbs...

  • 第五課:談?wù)撜Z言/Talking about Language2023-04-30

    01. A: I wish I could speak English better. 我希望我的英語能說得更好。 B: I think you speak very well. 我覺得你說得很...

  • 第二課:再見和告別 Goodbye and Taking Leave2023-04-30

    01. A: I really should be going. 我真的要走了。 B: OK, have a safe trip. 好,祝你一路平安。 02. A: Take care! Se...